What is the Community Action of Central Florida?

The Central Florida Community Action Agency (CFCAA) is a non-profit organization that works to reduce poverty and help low-income individuals and families become self-sufficient in Alachua, Levy, and Marion Counties. This organization strives to provide quality services and programs that give residents of these counties the opportunity to move towards financial independence. Community action is a powerful tool that can change people's lives, improve communities, and make America a better place to live. It embodies the spirit of hope and provides individuals with the resources they need to become self-sufficient.

CFCAA works to provide these resources to those in need in Alachua, Levy, and Marion Counties. CFCAA offers a variety of services and programs that are designed to help individuals and families become self-sufficient. These services include job training, financial literacy classes, housing assistance, food assistance, and more. CFCAA also provides access to resources such as health care, education, and transportation.

All of these services are designed to help individuals and families become self-sufficient. CFCAA also works to build strong communities by providing resources for community development projects. These projects include building affordable housing, creating job opportunities, and providing access to health care. CFCAA also works with local businesses to create jobs and provide economic opportunities for those in need.

The Central Florida Community Action Agency is committed to helping individuals and families become self-sufficient. Through its services and programs, CFCAA strives to reduce poverty and create a better future for those in need in Alachua, Levy, and Marion Counties. The Community Action of Central Florida is an invaluable resource for those living in Alachua, Levy, and Marion Counties. This non-profit organization provides quality services and programs that give residents the opportunity to move towards financial independence. From job training to housing assistance, CFCAA offers a wide range of resources that can help individuals become self-sufficient.

Additionally, CFCAA works with local businesses to create jobs and provide economic opportunities for those in need. By providing these resources, CFCAA is helping to reduce poverty and create a brighter future for those living in these counties. The Community Action of Central Florida is an inspiring example of how organizations can work together to make a difference in people's lives. By providing quality services and programs that give individuals the opportunity to become self-sufficient, CFCAA is helping to create a better future for those living in Alachua, Levy, and Marion Counties.

Erika Teuteberg
Erika Teuteberg

Infuriatingly humble beer maven. General social media fanatic. Passionate beer fan. Unapologetic web fan. Proud pop culture scholar.

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