Making a Difference in Central Florida: The Best Ways to Get Involved

Are you looking for ways to make a difference in Central Florida? There are plenty of opportunities to get involved and have a positive impact on the lives of others. From volunteering to joining organizations, here are some of the best ways to get involved in Central Florida.

Institute for Health Equity and Social Justice

- The Institute for Health Equity and Social Justice (IHESJ) is a non-profit organization that works to promote health equity and social justice in Central Florida. Through their work, they strive to create a more equitable and just society by providing health education, advocacy, and community outreach.

Volunteer Opportunities - Volunteering is one of the most effective ways to get involved in Central Florida's community. There are many volunteer opportunities available throughout the year, which can be found in the volunteer calendar. These opportunities range from helping out at local events to providing assistance to those in need.

Programs for the Elderly

- The City of Orlando offers a variety of programs for the elderly that promote well-being and lifelong learning. These programs provide recreational activities, educational opportunities, and social activities that help keep older people active and engaged in their community.

UCF Organizations

- The Office of Student Involvement (OSI) at the University of Central Florida (UCF) provides students with leadership opportunities and programs that help them succeed.

OSI also organizes 400-500 events every year with more than 100,000 attendees. Whether you're looking for an event or want to help organize one, OSI can help. No matter what your interests are, there are plenty of ways to get involved in Central Florida's community. From volunteering to joining organizations, you can make a difference and have a positive impact on the lives of others.

Erika Teuteberg
Erika Teuteberg

Infuriatingly humble beer maven. General social media fanatic. Passionate beer fan. Unapologetic web fan. Proud pop culture scholar.

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