The Biggest Challenges Facing Central Florida's Community

As Floridians have identified, the most pressing challenge is related to affordable housing. Despite the fact that Florida has had a designated source of income to manage it, the Legislature continues to allocate a large portion of it to the general fund. This can be detrimental in the long run, as it leads to urban sprawl, traffic congestion, and the loss of green spaces. Unfortunately, many people from out of state come to Florida for its low taxes, good weather, and natural beauty, but they don't understand or accept the need to protect Florida's vulnerable environment.

In 83 public meetings with over 10,000 Floridians from all 67 counties, 87% of those surveyed were optimistic about Florida's future. However, they also noted that their own communities were not “positioned for global competitiveness, prosperity and vibrant and sustainable communities.” The House report must be accompanied by a report from a coalition of Florida environmental groups entitled “Trouble in Paradise.” Despite this, population growth has also brought more opportunities for businesses, which could explain why business requests in Florida have increased by more than 60% in the past decade. Amy Palmer, Auburndale's director of community development, believes that the county's central location between Tampa and Orlando, affordability, and small-town atmosphere make it an attractive place to live. AdventHealth is committed to addressing major health issues such as access to healthy food and mental health services.

Daryl Tol, president and CEO of the Central Florida Division of AdventHealth, is dedicated to making sure these issues are addressed. The biggest challenge facing Central Florida is affordable housing. With an influx of people coming from out of state for its low taxes and good weather, there is an increased demand for housing that is not being met by the current supply. This has led to urban sprawl and traffic congestion as people search for affordable housing options.

Additionally, this has caused a loss of green spaces as developers look for more land to build on. The House report has been accompanied by a report from a coalition of Florida environmental groups entitled “Trouble in Paradise” which highlights the need for better protection of Florida's vulnerable environment. Despite this, population growth has also brought more opportunities for businesses which could explain why business requests in Florida have increased by more than 60% in the past decade. Amy Palmer, Auburndale's director of community development believes that the county's central location between Tampa and Orlando, affordability and small-town atmosphere make it an attractive place to live.

AdventHealth is also committed to addressing major health issues such as access to healthy food and mental health services. In order to address these challenges facing Central Florida's community, there needs to be a concerted effort from both local and state governments as well as businesses and individuals. Local governments need to ensure that there are enough affordable housing options available while also protecting green spaces. State governments need to allocate more funds towards affordable housing initiatives instead of using them for other purposes.

Businesses need to create more job opportunities so that people can afford housing in their area. Finally, individuals need to be aware of their impact on the environment and take steps to reduce their carbon footprint.

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Erika Teuteberg
Erika Teuteberg

Infuriatingly humble beer maven. General social media fanatic. Passionate beer fan. Unapologetic web fan. Proud pop culture scholar.

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